Index and benchmark solutions.

Making investment data work

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Rimes has been the leading provider of innovative benchmark data solutions for more than 25 years.

Managing complex benchmark and index data can quickly become a time-consuming and costly process for institutional investors and asset managers.

With unparalleled domain expertise, Rimes provides a comprehensive service across all stages of the data management process, from sourcing, curation and processing through to validation and delivery.

Rimes has the largest panel of data originators in the industry, comprised of 800+ data partners that cover all key financial data types, included complex index-like structures such as blends. We also offer a 25-years deep historical time series, which can be curated and delivered to customers at request and is unavailable elsewhere in the market.

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Benchmark data management service

Rimes’ benchmark data management service is a highly customized, rich and tailored service that supports the intricate needs of institutional investors and asset managers. Our benchmark data management service offers a fit-for-purpose approach with extensive configuration possibilities and dedicated support model that includes strategic advisory services and customization at every level of data handling. Rimes ensures that every data point is precisely aligned with our clients’ operational requirements, reducing risk and improving efficiencies across front-, mid- and back-office workflows.

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Index data management service

Rimes orchestrates the delivery of standardized index data in a meticulously crafted Rimes data model. This ensures a pristine, validated, and uniform view across all providers. Our Index data management service transforms how our clients curate and normalize their index data, by providing comprehensive Rimes data model that synthesizes data across all asset classes, with a ready-to-use data framework that supports rapid deployment and broad application across different systems and models. The service is particularly suitable for those who prefer a turnkey solution that requires minimal onboarding time.

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Benchmark preview services

High-impact index rebalances, corporate actions adjustments and global events are just some of the challenges that investment management professionals must quickly understand and respond to. Our comprehensive, event-driven preview (Proforma) service enables you to capture and prepare for multiple index rebalances and corporate action changes throughout the year.

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Blends services

Our "blends" service provides the tools needed to build, view, and manage fit-for-purpose composite portfolios and their related blended benchmarks. Leveraging Rimes' broad dataset and a range of complex weighting methodologies, clients are able to streamline processes and enhance operational effectiveness through both managed services and self-serve tooling.

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