The global investment community is inundated with trillions of investment data points that must be aggregated, validated and distributed at scale. The volume and complexity of this data is only increasing, which is making it harder and harder for data management teams to meet front office demands for instantaneous, easy-to-use and accurate investment data. By partnering with Rimes, asset managers are better able to cost-effectively scale their operations to meet these demands.
Deliver validated, quality data more quickly, across domains, asset classes and use cases – allowing your front office to speed up time to market.
Streamline data operations workflows with improved visibility into licensing costs, modernized data distribution and storage solutions, and better allocation of internal resources.
Reduce risks created by data inaccuracies, inconsistent data vendor management, market events and poor audit trails.
Rimes enhances your business agility by significantly reducing the time needed to access both new and recurring data feeds. Our multi-year relationships with 800+ data providers help us speed up onboarding as well as insulate our clients from technical and methodology changes.
Benefit from Rimes’ best practices for entity, security, and price mastering, as well as support for client-specific data management policies. Our EDM-as-a-Service partnerships further help our clients manage resources more effectively by allocating all or a subset of data operations management to our specialists.
Rimes data lakehouse provides a highly flexible data distribution and warehousing solution. The flexible nature of the cloud-native data lakehouse allows our clients to introduce structured and unstructured data from Rimes alongside their own content.
Enterprise Managed Data Solutions: End-to-end at last?
How are you connecting the dots to deliver better data and analytics to investors across the trade lifecycle?
A US-based institutional asset manager needed to improve data quality for its portfolio and investment analysis and reporting, and improve its ability to scale for a planned expansion across asset classes.
Asset managers and asset owners are facing a triad of disruptive and challenging factors, which promise to solve a few of these perennial 'missing link' challenges, while introducing a few new ones as well.
This European-based pension fund’s in-house asset management team was struggling with legacy systems and oftenmanual operations that were holding back the firm’s complex investment strategies and data requirements.
Our powerful investment management platform Matrix simplifies the management of complex, multi-level investment and product structures bringing clarity to your portfolio management and investment decisions.
Rimes supports your enterprise-wide data management requirements, delivering normalized, validated and enriched data across multiple domains, operational systems and workflows.
Rimes supports data warehousing and distribution across the front, middle and back office as well as to third-party downstream systems. Our private, client-specific data lake-houses are built on dedicated Azure infrastructure and incorporate AI-powered natural language data exploration tools.