Rimes ESG Data Management Service

Responsible investing is increasingly seen as an effective way to mitigate risk while improving long-term returns. The challenge for institutional investors is how best to source, analyze and implement the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) data needed to unlock these benefits in full.

This is no easy task. There’s a rapidly growing number of data providers supplying ESG ratings or scores, underlying ESG metrics and ESG style indexes. Because any one of these could be an important element of a successful investment strategy, firms need to ensure they’re able to source, normalize and implement ESG data at scale in their research, analysis, investing and reporting functions. Organizations that choose to do this in-house face a hugely time consuming and resource intensive process.

Enter Rimes

With demand for ESG data bigger than ever, RIMES is committed to providing industry leading coverage and content inventory to clients in the institutional investment community.

Being in direct communication with a number of ESG providers sourced from RIMES’ 500-strong partnership ecosystem and with several more in the pipeline, RIMES has developed the industry’s most comprehensive library of ratings, scores, fundamental data and indices covering a broad range of asset classes, countries and industry sectors.

Key data partners to-date include:

Ratings and Fundamentals:
partner logos
  • MSCI – ESG and Thematic Indices
  • FTSE – ESG & Sustainability Indices
  • S&P Dow Jones Indices – Dow Jones Sustainability, S&P Fossil Fuel Free Index
  • Ethos Swiss Corporate Governance Indices
  • Euronext Vigeo
  • GPR ESG Indices
  • Solactive – Solactive ESG and ISS screened ESG Indices
  • Bloomberg Barclays MSCI ESG & Green Bond Indices
  • J.P. Morgan ESG Indices
  • MAC Indexing
  • Robeco
  • WilderHill
  • Jantzi Social Index
  • STOXX ESG & Sustainability Indices
index logos

The Rimes ESG Data Management Service at-a-glance:

esg data management a a glance

Why choose Rimes?

  • Agility: ESG data selection is client-driven and based on users’ specific demands and requirements. We’re happy to work with any provider to meet your evolving requirements.
  • Cross-referencing: RIMES data is cross-referenced and mapped across issuer assets with LEI and common identifiers, making it fast and easy to analyze.
  • Customization: Solutions can be customized to accommodate mapping, enrichment and scoring across your specified multi-asset universe of interest.
  • Flexibility: Data is made available via APIs such as Python, MatLab and R or through customized feed formats, so it’s easy to integrate into your processes.
  • Efficiency: Clients can integrate an unrivalled number of ESG providers but only need to work with one partner, allowing you to concentrate on using the data – not managing it.
  • Proactivity: RIMES is proactively working to partner with additional ESG providers to ensure we continue to offer the industry’s broadest ESG data service.

Click here to read more information on Rimes’ ESG Data Management Service or contact us.

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